Lean On Him

May 02, 2021

Abide in Him.  Live in Him.  And I am going to add one more.  Lean on Him.

Have you heard this before?

Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain
We all have sorrow

But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow.

Nice words, and while they are not from the Bible I think we can identify with them.  I also think it was what Jesus was talking about when he encouraged us to abide in Him.

In today’s scripture he tells us, if his words abide in us, whatever we ask of God will be done.   It will be done because God is glorified by our prayers and praises.

If that sounds like a blank check, I want to clarify it is not that.

Abiding in the word of God and in faith in Jesus Christ does not mean we get every material thing we want.  If that was how it worked - the Cowboys would have had a better season last year.

Abiding in Christ is not like rubbing the magic lamp and having Aladdin grant us three wishes.

It’s actually better than that.