The Joy of Home

If you ‘ve noticed a pattern the last couple weeks, it is deliberate! We’re talking about home this Advent, as we prepare in our hearts to truly come home for Christmas.
Every year as Christmas approaches, we are all inclined to think of memories of past Christmas times.
Last Sunday was a tough row to hoe as we discussed the fear of home. Those fears are real for some of us. There may be regret. There may be tough memories. There may just be uncertainty. But home is a difficult thing sometimes. If it is not for you, then you are truly blessed in a special way.
Today we’re going to talk about the joy of home.
So, for a moment think about some of those wonderful memories of Christmas past.
They’re different for everyone, of course. But we all have them.
One Christmas when my kids were teenagers, we were pressed into service to lead the Christmas Eve worship because the pastor had emergency surgery the day before. We even led the Communion Service, though I suspect the District Superintendent would have had an absolute hissy fit if he had known about that.
It was out of a tremendous sense of wanting to give everyone that Christmas Eve memory - that the pastor – who was a friend – asked me, as Lay Leader, to step in. My son, Mitch, and my daughter, Hilary read scriptures and assisted me in distributing the elements.
It is a very special memory.
As the scripture today reminds, God wishes us a home with comfort and joy. Moses used the example of having your herds and flocks multiplied, and all that we have has multiplied, he wrote.

So, ok, most of us don’t have a herd or a flock.
We’ve a dog and a cat. We also have two adult children who are long out of the house.
Every situation is a little bit different than when Moses was speaking to the Israelites preparing to enter the Promised Land.
But what Moses was pointing out is when times are “pretty good” it can be “pretty easy” to tend to leave God out of the picture.
That’s not a plan, well, it’s not a good plan. I think we can agree, it’s a mistake. “Take care that you do not forget the LORD your God”, is how Moses began today’s scripture.
Do not forget. Do not forget who’s really driving the bus. We’re passengers asked to invite Christ into our lives and direct our every step.