February 06, 2022

The Gift of Love - part two

There is nothing any pastor can say or do that is more important than the words of Holy Scripture. So, if you are not reading the Bible with some regularity that you are missing out. You are walking through life without a roadmap. If you are feeling lost and alone, without God in your life you need to pick up that road map and follow it a little closer. Religion and faith don't happen to us, or for us. They happen when we are active and part of it. Our faith grows through reading the word. Through prayer. Through living out faith in action. All things include ALL the things that we can, should, let's make that, MUST do to be in communion with God.
Scripture: Romans 8:28
January 30, 2022

The Gift of Love - pt 1

The words of John 3:16 were first spoken to a guy named Nicodemus. I'll call him "Nick" for short. Nick was a Pharisee and member of the ruling council called the Sanhedrin. He was a big shot in other words. After doing miracles and drawing big crowds wherever he went, Jesus was getting noticed. Nicodemus was no exception. He had heard some of the public clamor, and he wanted to know more. But he had to be careful. He went to see Jesus at night because he was curious about what was happening all around him. He also thought it would be trouble if he was seen visiting with Jesus.
Scripture: John 3:14-17